Christian Leaders'

Training college

Undergraduate Studies

Bachelor of Theology (BTh)

The Bachelor of Theology (BTh) program aims to train students to become aware of theological, church, community and social issues in the Pacific region today and to equip students to evaluate these matters from an evangelical Biblical viewpoint. Students will develop skills in applying and communicating their Biblical knowledge to meet the spiritual, cultural, development and ministry needs of our modern world.

Two BTh tracks are currently available: The pastoral track will prepare students for pastoral ministry and church leadership. This includes study of pastoral theology and counselling and psychology. The development track will prepare students for leadership of church agencies and other Christian organisations. This includes management, business and entrepreneurial skills. The majority of the courses (85 percent) will be the same for both tracks.

  • To provide a degree in Christian theology in and for the Melanesian context.

  • To serve the church in Melanesia by equipping its current and emerging leaders with skills in Bible, theology and ministry.

  • To develop the capacity of Christian leaders to analyse church and social issues from a Biblical and contextual perspective.

  • To equip students for pastoral work, theological teaching and leadership of Christian organisations as appropriate to their career path.

  • To provide a pathway for suitably gifted graduates to go on to higher levels of study.

The BTh is taught at Level 7 of the Papua New Guinea National Qualifications Framework and complies with the requirements for Bachelor degrees at this level. It has two main components, the practical and the academic.

The BTh degree is built on the foundation of the Advanced Diploma of Ministry and so has as a prerequisite at least two years of diploma level study in theology, ministry and related fields.

For more details download our prospectus.

The PNG National Qualifications Framework requires that a Bachelor degree be a minimum of 480 credits (normally 4 years of full-time study) of which 75 percent can be a credit transfer from an Advanced Diploma or 50 percent from a Diploma in a related field. As such the two-year Bachelor requires that students have already completed necessary diploma level qualifications in theology.

The course structure for the Bachelor of Theology tracks is shown below. Short descriptions of each course are provided in section 9 of the Prospectus.


Year 1 Curriculum (134 credits)

  • Advanced Bible Interpretation (8)

  • Exodus (8)

  • Gospel of John (8)

  • Colossians (8)

  • Eschatology (8)

  • Church History (8)

  • Pastoral Theology (8)

  • Contextualisation and

  • Melanesian Theology (8)

  • Organisational Leadership (16)

  • Pastoral Counselling and Psychology (16)

  • Ministry Placements (10)

  • Research & Writing (8)

  • Reasoning and Critical Thinking (8)

  • Community Based Learning (12)


Year 2 Curriculum (134 credits)

  • Wisdom Literature (8)

  • Romans (8)

  • 1 Corinthians (8)

  • Translation Principles (8)

  • Christian Ethics (8)

  • Cults and Religious Movements (8)

  • Mission and Church Planting Strategies (8)

  • Teaching and Curriculum Development (16)

  • Youth Issues (8) Community

  • Transformation (8)

  • Ministry Placements (10)

  • Cultural Anthropology and Sociology (8)

  • Research Project (16)

  • Community Based Learning (12)

The course structure for the Bachelor of Theology tracks is shown below. Short descriptions of each course are provided in section 9 of the Prospectus.


Year 1 Curriculum (134 credits)

  • Advanced Bible Interpretation (8)

  • Exodus (8)

  • Gospel of John (8)

  • Colossians (8)

  • Church History (8)

  • Eschatology (8)

  • Christian Ethics (8)

  • Theology of Stewardship (8)

  • Organisational Leadership (16)

  • Management Skills (16) Ministry

  • Placements (10)

  • Research and Writing (8)

  • Reasoning and Critical Thinking (8)

  • Community Based Learning (12)


Year 2 Curriculum (134 credits)

  • Wisdom Literature (8)

  • Romans (8)

  • 1 Corinthians (8)

  • Contextualisation and Melanesian Theology (8)

  • Cults and Religious Movements (8)

  • Mission and Church Growth Strategies (8)

  • Teaching and Curriculum Development (16)

  • Community Transformation (8)

  • Entrepreneurship and Business Skills (16) Ministry

  • Placements (10)

  • Research Project (16)

  • CulturalAnthropology and Sociology (8)

  • Community Based Learning (12)

Advanced Certificate of Bible & Ministry

This is an award which offers an integrated and flexible program of biblical, theological and ministry training for students who have demonstrated ability and success in studying at degree level. The Graduate Diploma of Christian Studies prepares students to continue working in their current vocation or to pursue additional theological training. 

The student may be eligible to use this award to apply for entry into to Master’s level study at CLTC. The student must meet the entrance standards for the Master of Theology.

Students can enter this program with a degree in a field other than theology. Those who have completed a degree in theology at another college, but who have not met the entry standards for the Master of Theology, may be given entry as a bridging program to the Master of Theology. They must meet the academic standards in the Graduate Diploma before being given entry to the Master of Theology.

The Graduate Diploma of Christian Studies normally consists of 130 credit points, including at least 50 credits in Bible and Theology.Up to 16 credits may be done at advanced diploma level.

CLTC will confer this award at the end of the prescribed period of study, normally one year of full-time study or its equivalent.

For More Information

Download the Prospectus

Contact the Admissions Office

Papua New Guinea

PO Box 45 Banz, Jiwaka Province
Phone: 675 546 1001
Mobile: Digicel (+675) 7456 6529
Bmobile (+675) 7637 0309

New Zealand

PO Box 68208, Victoria St West, Auckland 1142 Russel Thorp
Mobile: +6421 481 088

5 Burwood Hwy, Wantirna, VIC 3152
Phone: (03) 9881 7800